Dominion Marketing Technologies, Inc

What We Offer


Creative Content, Website Solutions, Social Media Solutions and Logo-Design.


Promotion, Full-Cycle Marketing, Packaging, Development and Production.


Marketing Analysis, Target Research, Networking, Compliance and Acquisition/Campaign Support.


Production Analysis, Profit Analysis, Client/Technical support, and Low Risk Tier-Systems.

Who We Are


Dominion Marketing Technologies is in the business of providing music and entertainment marketing services on a hierarchy basis. Our clients include promoters, record labels, musicians, venues and all supporting factors of the industry. Our primary focus is dedicated to the expansion of semi-national to national artists and affiliated venues. Our secondary focus is on artist development and promotion concentrating on educating local, semi-national to national artists.


Dominion Marketing Technologies specializes in the analysis, creation, development and full-cycle implementation of marketing strategies and services for all entities connected to the creative industry of music and art. We cater our services to the defined needs of our clients and patrons. So, whether you are a struggling artist or a recently new restaurant, or established venue, we can guide you to the next platform of expansion that best aligns you with your targeted goal.


The executive members of DMT have been in the music industry for over 20 years and in that time we have played a part in almost every role and level of the music industry. DMT was officially established as a unified collective in May 2004 but this initial joint venture was only part time. Due to continual growth and much success, we decided to expand the business to a full-cycle media and marketing organization and this is when Dominion Marketing Technologies was created.

For more details on custom pricing. Please contact us:
